“Chinatown Worker Statues" is a project in the conceptual and early development stages. It has been awarded the "Public Art for Spatial Justice" grant from New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA). And, it is being backed by Boston Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture, and the Boston Arts Commission. When complete, it is to be 4 life-size sets of bronze statues to be installed as permanent public art in prominent public spaces in Boston’s Chinatown. They are to commemorate and to pay tribute to workers who performed historically essential labor that provided livelihood in the Chinese immigrant community. The workers to be recognized are: a laundryman; a restaurant-worker; a garment-worker; and a grandmother carer for a child. The figures, currently being modeled as 40% life-size maquettes in clay, are almost complete. When done, the next stages are to enlarge, be sculptured further and cast as bronze statues for public places. They will eventually serve as the needed countervailing correctives to the missing diversity, equity and inclusion in much public art.