In 1968, I did not get renewed as instructor at the Boston Museum School, mostly due to activist activities. Then, in passing, I was offered an art teacher’s job, on a 3-year contract, at the International College of Beirut, Lebanon. Without much fore knowledge of the country or of the area, my wife and I leapt in with 3-week notice: a 5-day voyage on an ocean liner, a 4-day layover in Naples, and a further 3-day boat voyage, we arrived to a vibrant, complex new city of multiple common languages. We submerged ourselves in the sophisticated cultural life of an aggregation of Middle East, Europe and America. It was a total experience: learning about the politics, the ways of life, visiting neighboring countries, and acquiring new friends. The discourses there on art and cultural relationship were revelatory and life-affecting. The experience clarified and determined the direction of my work.